Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Snap shots right before Christmas

 You can see the progression of our tree and other fun moments caught this season!

yes Tux climbed our fake tree... 

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hanging Around

 Have you seen those baby slings? 
Well, I made one with my infinity scarf and 
Tux loved it... he hung around for quite some time.
Totally makes me smile.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Up Dog

What's Up Dog?

Not much how 'bout you!!!
*wailing fits of laughter*

Well this is what I've been up to:

Taking pictures with my new phone
Even though it is
below freezing, yes its still sunny

Getting out the Christmas decorations
He is king of the decorating committee

 Lounging about, because its cold
He looks so big here!

Playing ONE MASSIVE game of Bananagrams 
using all the pieces
Tux Just had to be in this picture too.
Yup. That is it! But I hope to show you what I am working on soon!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Momma M. I. A.

I know... I have been so missing, but that doesn't mean I haven't been doing things. 
That is just the problem... too many things! Be back soon!

SEE? I am at work, on the phone, AND
taking a picture of myself
Busy, Busy, Busy ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Granny Square Bag

Yup! I have finally mastered a kind of granny square. Seriously, I use to get really frustrated, but the other day it just clicked! 
tux did not want the squares to become a bag...

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Little Fix

 I had to figure out a fix.  I couldn't even get the modge-podge open it had hardened with the lid on!
So I had to cut it open...
And had poured the sticky stuff in a jar and so far it is working wonderfully!
random photo alert!
me 2years old.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Little Fall Party

 A caramel apple party! Yes Please with sprinkles! We weren't really planning on having a party, it just kind of happened. It was bring your own apple and we supplied the caramel and sprinkles and nuts, as well as the apple cider or hot chocolate. take a look!
This was the little table set up!
We also had butterscotch popcorn!
melt some butterscotch chips and
mix into popped popcorn.

These were the party favors.
(but none of the young men took any,
so I am giving them to the neighborhood kids)

I actually have no pictures of apples or the actual party... 
WELL its because I was having so much fun I didn't even think about it... I know... next time. ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Aliens? and More Thoughts at Random

Here are a few of my puzzles, favorite things, and interesting thoughts:

1) YOU must, yes must check out BING today!! Especially if you don't live around trees (like me!)

2) A where's waldo for you:  (featuring tux instead of waldo) Can you find the tux?

3) I laughed today OUT LOUD today... all by myself, not even tux was there!!

4) What do you think? ALiens? these rings don't get wet when it rains... Crop circles? Let me know!

5) I am pretty convinced I need THIS!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


 me+ alone = lots of ideas for food 
me + alone, then with Peter = lots of food ideas being made!
This is a food heavy post! The things pinterest can do to you... *sigh of happiness and fullness*

Homemade potato chips! So so yummy. 
Plus I know everything that goes in to them, and thus into me.
*recipe here*
 Homemade pita bread. Not as hard as you think.
Plus we put pizza sauce and toppings on top..oooh!LOVE pita pizza!
*recipe here*
Marconi Cheese Grilled Cheese sandwich.
A sandwich that has cheese in it twice? 
Yes please, cheese!

I made tomato soup, which satueed mushrooms, pinwheels,
AND I added just a couple of strawberry bits for the vitamin C (its cold season!)

 I love ice cream. 
Yes, LOVE. Its not always a good thing, but its still a thing.
*recipe here*
Good luck with these! I hope you like them and enjoy eating them!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Let's Be Honest here..

after all this is a blog. My weekend was pretty boring and horrible. Lots of crying, tissues, headaches, confusion... well you can read about part of it here. But instead of drowning in the negative sea that was, let me show you some of my favorite parts about the weekend.

I loved watching these three amigos. Tux, Peewee, and Second Cat (who's given name is actually Precious). Peewee was digging and the other two wanted in on the action! They are so adorable. And despite my distaste for little dogs most of the time, Peewee (can you tell my 5 year old neighbor named him?) is a pretty nice dog.
This is Second Cat's Second appearance on Steen Days!
 On Friday, the last time I saw Peter until sunday 10pm (!!!) I got to go to his school and bring him lunch! HE has the weirdest office, but I love it. He is a traveling teacher and his office as you can see is probably meant to be exclusively a janitor's closet. but that is ok. I love it anyway! Its his own little space tucked away. Everyone needs a secret place. ;)

The man gobbles up chilli cheese dogs from DQ
 I also did some creative crafting. Made stars from yarn and knit fabric. 
I am not a very good knitter or crocheter, but I do dabble everyone once in a while!
found pattern here
 I also got my feet wet in finger knitting:

see instructions here
I tried a lot of things, but most not good enough to be on the internet 
like I tried this, but it wasn't as cool as Cakies ;)

Chin up!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Ride of Shame

 It was a blustery day... shown by the dust being tormented in the wind above. I have fallen in love with riding my bike everywhere, so I just couldn't bare to drive to the grocery store even in the forceful blows. BUt... then... my back tire deflated. Perfect timing too! Just far enough away from my house that it would be so horrible and probably impossible to carry back my bike.  So...

I locked my bike to the stop sign and went for... ugh, yes, my car. 
The storm billows within 5 minutes dried my wet hair. See for yourself.
Then it took me 10 minutes to unlock the bike lock. And there was a mean little dog barking, and maybe it was the dust in my eyes kicked up by the wind, maybe it was the frustrating, maybe it was the constant barking, or having no one really to call (because it was just a stupid bike lock) but I cried. I cried a lot. Finally, it opened as if it had always wanted to. I tried my best to get my bike in the back of the jeep. The people who live by the stop sign helped me. They were so nice.

This is my jeep with the bike and the groceries I bought.

I don't know why this happened. I don't know what I am suppose to learn.
But maybe it will come to me.

Oh yes, ride of shame? Yes, I rode past the same guy within 60 seconds...
sure, i can be the weird bike lady.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What do you do with your sister?

love her!
this is us at a HS volleyball game!
lock her out of the car, laugh, and
then let her in of course
hang out with Second cat...
the neighborhood cat that likes to come into our house
watch her dance

take pictures at the rest stop
and hug her goodbye!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


 It is ALWAYS fun getting  good little surprises! This week has been full of them! I got a post card from one of my most favorite people, a call from one of the dearest mentors, and emails from my lovely sister in law!  BUT THERE IS MORE!!
my sister came!
i got these boots in the mail... So I paid for them,
still kind of like a surprise
same deal with this top! bad photo, great top

and I found this in my office... i still don't know what it is for...
but oh well!

What fun surprises are you going to do today for someone else?

Monday, September 19, 2011

WOnderful WeekEND of a Wedding!

the wedding was on downtown Seattle water front!

the bride was so lovely!

i love friends!

cute dessert!

Breakfast friends!

and finally this is how we feel