Monday, November 29, 2010


  Today since I was sick- not a lot of productive things happening.

 So I'll tell you a story about when I was... 
Tux brought in a mouse, and I caught him!!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

A little look into thanksgiving


Peter's first black friday.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well, it wasn't really a battle or anything, but I won over at The Perfect Pear
I am so thankful for all the people who voted, friends, family, husband and Lauren who had this brilliant idea!

the owl ornament

please excuse the blurry mess
all i have to say is one big WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

and a thanks for everyone who voted!! 
Stay tuned! In a couple of days there will be more voting!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Get to the Polls!

I know voting is done with for this year (i hope!), 

but at the perfect pear go ahead and vote for your favorite craft 

by all the mix and match craft challenge contestants!

I totally love Lauren! She is always so sweet and creative!

and one of them is mine, so pick carefully ;)

Monday, November 22, 2010

ps- I have joined Mix and Match Craft challenge at the Perfect Pear! More on this later.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jumping for JOY!

Standing Still

jumping mohawk

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Isn't it so exciting to find something that is awesome? 
I found picnik.

my cute little family

my sister
hot-T  husband
It is free and look at all the fun I am having!


watch as the doodle comes to life!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sewing on Paper

I made cute thank you cards.

I used:
- a plaid card that I cut in half (so i could used each cute side!)
- paper doilies (i got them for a 1$)!!
- thread and needle

the little "x"s

there is a smiley face sewn on the side

the heart is sewn

Saturday, November 13, 2010

hair cut... yes its here.

I could not wait. The frustrations of knots, cold hair, and the cost
of hair products was starting to close in on me so i had to. I guess 
you could also put it down as one of those guilty pleasures in life.
but with out further delay pictures:

I love being a dramatic model for photo booth ;)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Note to Self

hopefully this letter to me will help you... funny how that works

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Special Post

101. This is my 101st post. GOOD. Because my camera cord is playing hide and seek, and me left to do the seeking part, I am forced to use pictures taken from other places then my dying camera.

In fact I will be showing you my little museum of my favorite movie with dogs.  I am usually a cat person, but some dogs just steal your heart. I LOVED 101 Dalamatians... and the phrase rings true in the present tense as well!
These are some of the "newest" if you can call it that.
These are the beloved plastic dalmatians I use to play with.
This is the very special Patch plush. Patch is my favorite.

(Tux loves the camera) Anyway I hoped you enjoyed my escapade into the number 101 and all the memories it brings.

Favorite Disney movie?
let me know!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

... favorite bentos....

These are my favorite Bento Boxes from the last couple of days.

don't you love early morning light?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gifts and Fruit

Not fruit gifts, or gifts of fruit...
but I got this sweet handmade scarf from my dearest friend Charis
Thank you Charis~!

AND i wanted to show you some photos 
that come from grocery shopping late at night 
and a camera in my hand.

with flash and little over head light

Overhead light and without flash

Tuesday, November 2, 2010