Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Weekend Football


Peter  high fiving the best QB

the spare

I was the keeper of the things that are breakable and pokey.

Long road home

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On a lazy day

I sometimes doodle
My favorite

Not my own - but super cute indeed - my neighbor drew a fairy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend in Pictures

I love dressing up!

I love peter

I love Chinese food

I love silly people

same as the last

I love church functions

I love living in the country

I love it when he is a dork.

I love the football...

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Blend a couple slices of cucumber
Add cold water
Strain out cucumber
Add lime juice

Its has a Wow factor to it but my 5 year old neighbor loved it!
Or you can just put in a slice of cucumber

And credit for the idea goes to Maria C. who told me all about it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wedding Gift!!

I was about to send off this wedding 
gift through snail mail.
the binding is hand sewn (obviously)

I know its not a birthday- but I live in a place where there are limited resources...
 So you "Make it Work" (Tim from Project runway)


We hate just giving gift cards... 

so we HAD to  spruce it up somehow!

With all my love to the new couple!      <3

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Little Thoughts swirling in my head

Peace to the World
A Stroll through Blah Land.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What is it like to be...

the space bar on a keyboard:

the invisible ninja...

Before I sleep at night

I told my Hubby i needed to do something cute or meaningful by the time I go to bed so...
I made a hanging wall thing:

First cut out the shapes you want - I did it with an old hymnal so that evenif they were blank they would be special
AND then- use a circle (out of card stock would be better)
attach string.
Then I painted with different colors: light/dark blue, green, black.

Glue it all together with modge podge

i bet yours could be way better! Let me know what you do!

Monday, September 20, 2010


What a photo booth, scissors and a little tinting can do:

The network sent us some too- but just not enough so
i pitched in and got my creative side functioning.


When you are cooking its always better
when there is a smile

 Once again this just happened!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is it like to be...

The messy person's best friend: paper towels

i think... it would be fun.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I am going to a women's conference...


I just use them to write on, over, around. etc. I pre-make them so that way everyone is NOT looking at me crazy when I pull out the modge-podge 

<3 toodles!

Friday, September 17, 2010

In the Kitchen...

I sometimes don't listen very well to recipes... 
I want to be an exact kind of girl

BUT  i'm just not
I for give myself... however i always hope that Peter's tastebuds will too :)

SO I start out to make Banana Honey Oatmeal muffins...

But I have no bananas - so I substitute peaches...
Oh and why is it brown you ask? 
- I added the rest of the ovaltine 

yeah i don't know about that one either

They taste pretty good!

What is it like to be...

The one lost sock:

This one looked lonely...
get it?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quick Fix

Sometimes I feel like I just HAVE to make something


Why I Never Get Anything Done

Can you find the culprit:
Yes this IS my camera cord
"A Cameo? I don't mind if I do?" - Tux

No, this couldn't be the fabric you want to cut and pin could it? - Tux