Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fun with an old book

I made a flower to put next to the dandylion that my neighbor brought me
the paper flower also looks cute in this little vase

and as a birdie on my wall

thanks be to who has the cutest ideas!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ever since my brother - in - law let me borrow the newest jars of clay cd (which is not the one pictured to the left, i just like this picture better), my car has rarely had any other music grace its structure.

My favorite song of the moment, since they all seem to be my favorite at one time or other, depending on my mood, is titled "Boys" ... favorite lines being

"lesson one: do not hide"

"If you weather love and lose your innocence....
Just remember...
lesson one"
I loneliness stalking me through the day... it hasn't over taken me yet, but i keep looking over my shoulder. My husband is the best. I have no doubts about that, but the rest of this world... I seem to run into an imaginary wall every time I want to reach out, or be reached out to.

But "no not hide" reminds me that
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

do not hide from your problems dear Steen, do not cave in on yourself, but reach out to the Savior and never give up.

BEING sick

Being sick, is never fun.

but the only good part is that I have lots of time to do nothing...
nothing that is but be crafty!!!

my sweet hubby and I

what he kindly cooked uswhat I made out of an old t-shirt
What I painted

close up:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

thifty finds...

Can you believe it?
even in my little town... the



good will
had something to offer ....

a book i can cut up


and a cute dress !!

RECENTLY... the wanting of ART

above is the most recent painting, inspired by the
cute little weed flower Jenny my neighbor gave me

This is about Peter, my hubby... he made me cry when he broke up with me, and he makes me cry a lot more now... but "in all the Good Ways"

I painted this for peter on our 4 month of being married...!
He wrote this Haiku, and I changed it just a smidge to let him know
i think he is reflecting Jesus to me

Monday, April 19, 2010

monday, monday, monday...

I was looking for quail... and so was this tabby cat.

to make the monday not so bad, my little neighbor and I made a tent outside

Jesus is the light of world... and the house smelt like cod...

to end this amazing day...
we went on a bike in the dress i made out of two t-shirts

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We went OUTSIDE today...

Peter tilled for corn!

we went on a walk...

It looks like the shadow are roots...

more tilling!

love this picture of my hair and finger nails


i just love the smokey hills in the back and the lighting.


we attempted :

to farm... we want corn... Peter still does it... but I HATE the rotilling (sp?)to watercolor the cute couple in the background
(Side step or more side look the weird purple person...)

to crochet a flower...

to paint a more realistic painting

Monday, April 12, 2010

things I noticed in the news today...

It seems like hypocrisy is almost normative for those in authority...

I am not saying that its true or not true, but the general public, the news people (whoever they are) turn their eyes disdainfully on policemen and religious leaders.

They say that policemen won't take drug tests... because they will fail...
They say that religious men are taking advantage... of those who trust them the most...

This world needs authenticity.
People who are who they say they are.

Friday, April 9, 2010

More adventures with little people

Emily and I painted a cat
a cat at the cat studio...
with rainbows

We painted our clay sculptures from yesterday... here is the mouse


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Four year old fun...

My super cute neighbor came over just to play while her baby sister was sleeping.

we played with clay among other things

I made a mouse...
Emily made
a dinosaur.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Found a new interest...

In antique - ish things...
I just really like some of the things I've seen lately

like this super cute necklace that mom had bought from a flee market in Sweden...?

Just love it!